Vietnam calls on major powers to share science and technology for mutual development
Ngày đăng 23/09/2024 | 10:53 AM  | View count: 8

General Secretary and President To Lam acknowledged that in the rapidly advancing field of science and technology, sustainable global development and the well-being of humanity must remain the central and highest objectives.

General Secretary and President To Lam spoke at the Future Summit, calling on major powers to act responsibly and share scientific and technological advancements for mutual development.

Tổng Bí thư, Chủ tịch nước Tô Lâm phát

General Secretary and Party Chief To Lam at the event. 

"During this pivotal stage, we need to strengthen solidarity, cooperation, and mutual respect, adhering to international law and the UN Charter, and resolving disputes peacefully. Major powers should act responsibly, sharing common achievements in scientific and technological research to ensure collective progress," General Secretary and President To Lam stated on September 22 at the Future Summit held at the UN headquarters in New York.

The Vietnamese leader emphasized that scientific and technological achievements should foster cooperation, not become tools used against nations or undermine aspirations for peace, development, justice, and fairness. Human intelligence should focus on economic development, building a just and civilized society, improving people's quality of life, and reducing poverty.

General Secretary and President To Lam acknowledged that in the rapidly advancing field of science and technology, sustainable global development and the well-being of humanity must remain the central and highest objectives.

Vietnam advocates for increasing investment in medical research, education, digital transformation, green transition, and human-centered solutions while reducing investment in the research and production of destructive weapons, prioritizing peace, stability, sustainable development, and equality. "We stand before a historic opportunity to usher the world into a new era of progress, with greater prosperity, fairness, and social development for all, as we unify our efforts and collaborate effectively," To Lam emphasized.

The Vietnamese leader pointed out that the UN and regional organizations like ASEAN should lead in promoting cooperation and coordinated action in addressing global challenges and seizing opportunities from scientific and technological advances. Vietnam is committed to contributing positively and effectively to global efforts for peace and equitable development.

The UN Future Summit took place in New York from September 22-23, ahead of the 79th UN General Assembly High-Level Week, which opened on September 24. Initiated by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the summit aimed to foster dialogue and collaboration on innovative solutions to address global challenges such as climate change, technological advancement, social justice, and strengthening global governance. In his opening remarks, Guterres stated that the world is at a critical juncture, and this summit represents a vital moment to propose breakthrough measures for addressing emerging issues like conflict, climate change, natural disasters, and pandemics.

UN General Assembly President Philemon Yang also highlighted that challenges often contain opportunities for improvement, reform, and strengthening global cooperation for the common good of humanity. He called on nations to unite for a prosperous future for all.

On September 22, the Future Summit adopted the "Pact for the Future," the "Global Digital Compact," and the "Declaration for Future Generations." These documents outline ambitious goals across various areas of cooperation at the UN, including accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals, setting frameworks for digital cooperation, innovation, and institutional reforms for the UN and international financial bodies.

General Secretary and President To Lam is attending the UN General Assembly High-Level Week and conducting meetings in the US This marks his first multilateral diplomatic trip to the US in his new role.

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