Legislators and lawyers discuss legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese
Ngày đăng 27/10/2023 | 1:30 PM  | View count: 10

Overseas Vietnamese need support in legal issues to settle down in host nations.

A seminar was held on October 26 in Hanoi to discuss legal assistance for overseas Vietnamese by the foreign ministry’s State Commission for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs and the Hanoi Bar Association.

Delegates at the seminar. Photo: baophapluat.vn

According to the commission’s deputy head Nguyen Manh Dong, it is an indispensable job for the Vietnamese community in other countries to follow the rules of the host nations.

To ensure and support overseas Vietnamese in doing so, the Party and the Government have released many policies, instructions and legal docs.

One of the latest documents, the Conclusion 12-KL/TW dated August 2, 2021 by the Politburo, aims to help overseas Vietnamese people gain legal status, settle in their areas, and enable them to comply with the host nations’ laws.

Dong said that many overseas Vietnamese need the guidance and information about Vietnam’s policies and laws on foreign affairs.

At the seminar, delegates discussed the needs of overseas Vietnamese for legal assistance in some particular fields, and made recommendations to improve the regulations and meet the demand of overseas Vietnamese communities.

The seminar marked the initial step that will benefit overseas Vietnamese people in law abidance, on expectations that they are able to settle down in other countries, and provide them support on their return to Vietnam for working and business-doing purposes.

Participants discussed the OV community's need for legal assistance in some specific aspects and proposed methods and forms of legal support that meet the requirements of the OV community and suit the available resources of the Hanoi Bar Association.

Huy Anh