Vietnam remains Finland’s most important partner in SEA
Ngày đăng 07/11/2023 | 3:17 AM  | View count: 194

Both sides are expected to strengthen cooperation in various fields.

Finnish authorities conveyed their delight over the ongoing positive progression of the cooperative relationship between the two nations. They have underscored that Vietnam remains Finland’s most important trading partner in Southeast Asia.

Thường trực Ban Bí thư Trương Thị Mai thăm và làm việc tại Phần Lan - Ảnh 1.

Head of the Committee’s Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai and Chairman of the Finnish Parliament Jussi Halla-Aho

The view was shared during various meetings between a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam led by Politburo member, permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat, and Head of the Committee’s Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai and Finnish agencies from November 2-4.

During the meetings, the delegation engaged in discussions and collaboration with various Finnish leaders, including Chairman of the Finnish Parliament Jussi Halla-Aho, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen, Deputy Minister of Finance Elina Laavi, Director of the Parliamentary Office Pertti Rauhio, Chairwoman of the Communist Party of Finland Liisa Taskinen, Chairman of the Finland - Vietnam Friendship Association Mauri Raveala. They also visited the Vietnamese Embassy and interacted with representatives of the Vietnamese community in Finland.

During these meetings, Mai provided an update on Vietnam's socio-economic development and international integration achievements after nearly four decades of the Renewal policy (Doi moi). She also discussed the country's objectives and strategies in alignment with the guidelines of the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Expressing her satisfaction with the positive progress in Vietnam-Finland relations, especially in light of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, Mai proposed that both sides continue to enhance high-level delegations' exchanges, boost economic cooperation, trade, and investment, strengthen collaboration in fields such as science, technology, innovation, forestry, telecommunications, and people-to-people exchanges.

The aim is to further tap into the potential for cooperation and foster more substantial and profound bilateral relations. She also requested attention and favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community residing and studying in Finland.

Thường trực Ban Bí thư Trương Thị Mai thăm và làm việc tại Phần Lan - Ảnh 2.

Head of the Committee’s Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai during a meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy and Vietnamese community in Finland. 

When meeting with officials and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy and representatives of the Vietnamese community in Finland, Mai shared key highlights of Vietnam's current situation and commended the agency for its positive outcomes. She also expressed appreciation for the community members' efforts in preserving their national cultural identity and effectively integrating into the host society.

Mai urged the officers and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in Finland to maintain their dedication in successfully fulfilling their assigned duties. She expressed her hope that the Embassy and the Vietnamese community would continue to play a crucial role as a bridge, further enhancing the longstanding friendship and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Leaders from the Finnish National Assembly, Government, and political parties extended a warm welcome and high appreciation for the working visit of the Vietnamese delegation.

They emphasized that the visit had made a significant contribution to strengthening and deepening international relations within the Finland-Vietnam bilateral framework.

Leaders at various levels in Finland expressed their delight over the ongoing positive development of the cooperative relationship between the two countries. They affirmed Vietnam's status as Finland's most significant trading partner in Southeast Asia.

Thường trực Ban Bí thư Trương Thị Mai thăm và làm việc tại Phần Lan - Ảnh 3.

Head of the Committee’s Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai and  Chairwoman of the Communist Party of Finland Liisa Taskinen

Both sides acknowledged the substantial potential for collaboration in areas like energy, forestry, and information technology. It was recommended that both sides make better use of the opportunities provided by the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), while also recognizing and valuing the integration and contributions of the local Vietnamese community.

Finnish agency leaders provided insights into the current socio-political landscape in Finland, the Finnish political system, public administration organization, recruitment models, training and development of officials and civil servants, and talent compensation policies in Finland.

During the visit, both sides engaged in discussions on international and regional matters of mutual concern. They emphasized the importance of adhering to international law and the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter when addressing international disputes. Additionally, they expressed a shared desire to promote EU-ASEAN relations, with a specific focus on enhancing Finland's ties with ASEAN, for the sake of peace, cooperation, and development in their respective regions and the world.

Ngoc Mai