Hanoi’s efforts to promote e-government bring positive impacts on administrative reform
Ngày đăng 16/10/2023 | 2:49 AM  | View count: 224

The city remains dedicated to robust innovation, promoting the digital transformation of state management activities.

Enhancing the advancement of e-government and digital government constitutes a pivotal objective in Hanoi's ongoing administrative reform efforts. Numerous novel applications have proven to be highly efficient in their service to both citizens and businesses.


Greater IT application helps boost public satisfaction while engaging in administrative procedures. 

Promoting online public services

Over the recent period, Hanoi has consistently emphasized its investments in equipment and information technology infrastructure, aiming to serve the needs of both citizens and businesses.

This strategic focus serves as a critical foundation for the development of e-government, digital government, and the advancement of the digital economy and society.

In this regard, Hanoi has devised a plan for the implementation of administrative reform spanning from 2021 to 2025, with a primary emphasis on the continual enhancement of administrative procedures, elevating the satisfaction levels of both individuals and organizations with government services, and fostering the development of e-government and digital government.

In alignment with these objectives, the Hanoi People's Committee has established a dedicated Working Group committed to improving and enhancing the Public Administrative Reform Index (PAR INDEX) and the Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services (SIPAS) within the city.

The city has released 22 comprehensive database lists and laid out plans for various aspects, including compliance with Government Decree No. 87/2020/ND-CP, dated July 28, 2020, which regulates electronic civil status databases and online civil status registration in Hanoi. Additionally, the local authorities also developed plans for the integration of IT in state agency operations, digital government expansion, and the assurance of network information security. Notably, there's also a comprehensive Postal and Telecommunications Infrastructure Development Plan to support Hanoi's Digital Transformation Program until 2025, with a vision to 2030.

In the first quarter of 2023, Hanoi introduced and officially launched both the City Administration and Document Management System and the City Reporting Information System. Furthermore, the city continues to deploy the online meeting system across 579 communes, wards, and towns. It also ensures the stable operation of online communication systems, official email systems, operational management systems, and reporting information systems.

Certain agencies and units have taken the initiative to install touchscreen devices and information technology equipment to facilitate and support individuals in using online public services in apartment buildings and residential communities across various districts, such as Long Bien, Cau Giay, Bac Tu Liem, Nam Tu Liem, Dong Da, Hoan Kiem, Thanh Xuan, Hoai Duc, Chuong My, Dong Anh, and more.

"In the assessment of the quality scores across the PCI component indexes of 63 provinces and cities, Hanoi has received high ratings, particularly in terms of infrastructure, time efficiency, and business support services," noted Deputy Secretary General Dau Anh Tuan of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Statistics from the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications reveal that the entire city presently offers 1,867 online public services. The reception and processing of administrative procedures are closely monitored and regulated, significantly reducing disruptions and delays in the resolution of such procedures. Notably, documents are processed on time or ahead of schedule at an impressive rate of 99.8% for public services. The city has also issued over 10,000 personal digital signatures to the residents of Hanoi.

Hanoi is at the forefront of ensuring comprehensive conditions for a successful connection with the national population database, which is instrumental in facilitating the reception and resolution of administrative procedures. The ultimate goal is to complete the e-government platform by 2025, establishing Hanoi as a national leader and earning high regard in the region.

Businesses, people as major beneficiaries

Nguyen Ngoc Minh, a resident of Dai Kim Ward, Hoang Mai District, visited the "one-stop-shop" department in the locality to carry out administrative procedures. He expressed his satisfaction with the process, noting that he had come to rectify inaccurate family records and was guided by enthusiastic civil servants. They promptly edited the information on the computer, leaving him highly content.

Another resident, Nguyen Hoai Nam from Trung Tu Ward, recounted his experience with the marriage registration procedure at the ward. He commended the swift response, as the results were quickly returned due to having entered the details into the system beforehand.

“In the past, individuals had to make multiple trips to the ward for basic administrative procedures. Now, these tasks are handled remotely, swiftly, and efficiently,” said Nguyen Van Thang, a resident from My Dinh 1 ward in Nam Tu Liem district.

Le Duc Thanh from Thanh Hung Company described the streamlined customs procedures implemented by customs authorities, even outside of regular office hours. He highlighted the support and guidance provided by civil servants when businesses sought assistance regarding policies related to the import and export of goods and applying file codes.

“This approach has significantly reduced customs clearance time, fostering favorable conditions for import and export activities,” Thanh said.

In recent years, Hanoi has proactively enacted regulations to synchronize the execution of administrative procedures in various fields, including planning and investment, natural resources and the environment, justice, and taxation.

The city has also issued plans and organized reviews, statistics, and procedure development for handling internal affairs within administrative agencies in the city. This strategic approach has become a fundamental basis for agencies and units to collaborate, efficiently resolve tasks, streamline administrative procedures, minimize turnaround times, and reduce the need for travel for both individuals and organizations. It also standardizes workflow processes.

As per the Hanoi Department of Statistics, the first nine months of 2023 have seen a consistent rise in the number of newly established enterprises, reaching a total of 22,900. The rate of online business registration documents remains at a commendable 100%, ensuring quality and timeliness. Hanoi continues to excel in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), consistently ranking among the top-performing localities.

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh underlined the city's unwavering commitment to improving the business investment environment.

The key focus areas include planning, investment, land, and construction. The city is also dedicated to effectively implementing programs that connect banks with businesses, stimulate startup ecosystems, and encourage innovation and creativity, said Thanh.

“Furthermore, the city remains dedicated to robust innovation, promoting the digital transformation of state management activities,” said Thanh, suggesting the authorities are actively enhancing and expanding digital infrastructure to deliver online public administrative services quickly, accurately, and with minimal paperwork, thereby reducing costs.

The core of this innovation revolves around the "digital government - digital citizen" model, with a strong emphasis on serving individuals and businesses, all while using satisfaction levels as a critical measure in the development of e-government.

Ngoc Mai