Hanoi Department of Foreign Affairs pushes for administrative reform, digitalization
Ngày đăng 26/10/2023 | 4:04 AM  | View count: 225

The implementation of administrative reform at the Department of Foreign Affairs has been rigorous, and systematic, and has contributed to improving the quality of advice and task resolution in the city's foreign affairs.

Administrative reform is one of the focal tasks that authorities at all levels in the city are vigorously pursuing, aiming to achieve a significant, substantive shift towards efficient administrative improvements.

Director of the Hanoi Department of Foreign Affairs Ngo Minh Hoang at the meeting. 

More than ever, administrative reform at the Hanoi Department of Foreign Affairs has been actively prioritized in recent years. Through administrative reform, it plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in foreign affairs. This concerted effort is geared towards achieving a substantial and tangible transformation in administrative functions.

On October 24, the Hanoi Department of Foreign Affairs organized a specialized conference on "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Administrative Reform Linked to the Digital Transformation Mission of the Hanoi Department of Foreign Affairs in 2023", chaired by Director Ngo Minh Hoang.

Hoang noted that in the first nine months of 2023, the Department of Foreign Affairs focused on implementing key tasks in administrative reform with discipline, administrative rigor, unity, and high determination. Innovative leadership methods were continuously applied by the Department's leadership, emphasizing clarity in personnel, tasks, responsibilities, processes, and effectiveness, all under the principle of centralized leadership with clear responsibility.

To streamline the administrative procedures handled by the Hanoi People's Committee of the City, the Department reviewed and advised the People's Committee to issue Decision No. 1340/QD-UBND dated March 3, 2023, announcing the list of administrative procedures in the field of international conferences and workshops to be delegated for administrative resolution within the Department's jurisdiction.

Additionally, Decision No. 1339/QD-UBND dated March 3, 2023, approving the internal procedure for handling administrative procedures in the field of international conferences and workshops under the Department of Foreign Affairs authority, was also issued.

All administrative procedures of the Department were publicly listed in the One-Stop Section and on the Department's official website, ensuring transparency on the national database. The Department of Foreign Affairs arranged equipment and implemented the application of the brand identity system according to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 468/QD-TTg dated March 27, 2021, meeting the requirements of the public administrative service.

Through the review process, the Department developed an internal workflow for non-administrative tasks, and the People's Committee issued Decision No. 1828/QD-UBND dated March 29, 2023, announcing the internal administrative procedures in the field of Foreign Affairs (including 11 procedures) within the Department's management scope. This ensured that the Department's tasks were carried out in compliance with regulations.

Overview of the meeting. 

The entire city has been actively involved in building and developing electronic governance and digital government. Currently, 100% of the officials and employees of the Department of Foreign Affairs effectively apply information technology to their management activities, ensuring increasing efficiency. The Department equipped its offices with a unified set of software (document management, one-stop service, etc.) and ensured that 100% of administrative documents between agencies were sent, received, and processed through the document management software system. All administrative units under the Department have established and implemented a quality management system according to ISO standards, completing the deployment of a shared and integrated platform.

The implementation of administrative reform at the Department of Foreign Affairs has been rigorous, and systematic, and has contributed to improving the quality of advice and task resolution in the city's foreign affairs. The Department's leadership places significant emphasis on internal inspection and disciplinary measures in administrative reform implementation, focusing on the progress and results of administrative reform tasks linked to the establishment of an electronic government and digital transformation of the Department.

To effectively implement administrative reform and align it with the digital transformation mission, the Department will concentrate on upgrading the level of administrative reform tasks to a higher level. This involves accelerating the adjustment of tasks, determining solutions to complete or report obstacles promptly, and proposing adjustments.

The Department's Office, as the leading coordinating agency, will review all documents and progress related to administrative reform according to regulations, reinforcing internal inspection to ensure the effectiveness and substance of administrative reform. The emphasis will be on discipline, efficiency, and practicality, with a focus on checking and correcting administrative discipline in carrying out tasks.

Monthly evaluations of officials and civil servants will be conducted rigorously, ensuring compliance with regulations. Decisive actions will be taken against officials and civil servants who fail to perform their duties or repeatedly cause delays in task resolution. The completion of goals and targets related to administrative procedure reform, administrative procedure implementation, and public service provision will be the basis for evaluating the performance of leaders and officials at the monthly and yearly levels.

The One-Stop Section will promptly identify obstacles in the process of implementing administrative procedures and report to the Director for coordination with specialized departments to resolve them. Proposed solutions to eliminate bottlenecks in administrative procedure resolution regarding time, coordination mechanisms, and the provision of online public services will be submitted. Timely responses to feedback and suggestions from citizens and businesses will be ensured, avoiding vague, evasive, or irresponsibly answered responses.

The Department will vigorously advance the implementation of its digital project to ensure progress in line with regulations and processes.

Regular reviews will be conducted, and the ISO 9001 quality management system will be applied according to the latest version to comply with standards in the execution of the Department's tasks.

For specialized departments, continuous innovation and practical initiatives will be encouraged to promote the substantive and effective implementation of administrative reform. There will be a focus on exchanging and learning from experiences, referencing good practices from other units within the city and beyond during the implementation of work tasks to enhance administrative reform.

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