Hanoi conducts survey on public satisfaction with administrative services
Ngày đăng 03/10/2023 | 2:39 AM  | View count: 271

These services include the issuance of land use rights certificates, construction licenses, public health services, and public education services.

The Hanoi Institute for Socio-Economic Development Studies (HISEDS) has initiated an online survey to assess the satisfaction of individuals and organizations regarding four key public services in the city.

Public staff guides citizens over online public services. 

These services include the issuance of land use rights certificates, construction licenses, public health services, and public education services.

This online survey runs concurrently with a direct survey outlined in Plan No. 120/KH-UBND on April 14, 2023, by the Hanoi People's Committee. The primary objective is to comprehensively analyze and measure the satisfaction of individuals and organizations with a number of public services in Hanoi in 2023.

The HISEDS has distributed documents containing links and QR codes to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Construction, Department of Health, Department of Education and Training, as well as the People's Committees of various districts, towns, and cities.

These documents include the links and QR codes for the five online surveys, enabling those who have interacted with these public services to evaluate their experiences. (!rOLJg

The results from both the direct survey and the online survey will be compiled, statistically analyzed, and compared by the Institute in collaboration with experts, with the final analysis expected to be completed by December 2023.

Using the insights gathered from the survey results, the Institute intends to propose solutions to enhance and improve the satisfaction of both individuals and organizations with the public services provided in the city.

Notably, prior to this online survey, the HISEDS conducted a direct survey on the Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services (SIPAS) in 2023 for various departments, agencies, and People's Committees of districts and towns in the city.

This initial assessment demonstrated an innovative approach to measuring satisfaction, with the Institute's survey team receiving training in systematic survey techniques. They conducted direct interviews at service providers, schools, and medical facilities, ensuring the accuracy and transparency of the survey process in 2023.

Overall, the combination of face-to-face surveys and online surveys, along with the diligent efforts of departments, department-equivalent agencies, and People's Committees, reflects a commitment to comprehensive and transparent measurement, research, and evaluation of satisfaction with these four public services in 2023.

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