Hanoi to use new information system to handle administrative procedures
Ngày đăng 13/03/2023 | 6:06 AM  | View count: 372

The objective of the training program is to provide trainees with the necessary skills to effectively utilize the latest functionalities available in the city's software system for handling administrative procedures. This includes the ability to receive, process, and deliver results for different types of dossiers.

The Hanoi Department of Information and Communications organized a training session on March 13 to introduce the city's latest information system for handling administrative procedures. This training was attended by around 10,000 civil servants and officials from various departments, branches, and People's Committees across districts and towns.

During the opening ceremony, Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Information and Communications Nguyen Viet Hung highlighted the need to deploy the city's administrative procedure information system in accordance with the Government's requirements. This includes the implementation of the one-stop-shop mechanism as per Decree 107/2021/ND-CP dated December 6, 2021, and the technical guidance provided by the Ministry of Information and Communications in Document No. 1552/BTTTT-THH dated April 26, 2022, on the implementation of Project 06 (version 1.0).

Following efforts in implementing the project in close coordination with departments, branches, districts, and towns, the new generation administrative problem-solving information system of Hanoi has been largely completed and will officially come into operation from March 31.

Hung emphasized that this new system will not only facilitate the operational management of administrative agencies in Hanoi in accordance with the one-stop-shop mechanism but will also enhance transparency and convenience for people, allowing for the implementation of administrative procedures through an online environment.

To prepare units in the city for the implementation of the new system, the Department of Information and Communications in Hanoi organized training classes for the new generation of the Administrative Procedures Information System, which is attended by nearly 10,000 individuals. The training program included 113 intensive training classes and 36 training classes held in various districts and towns. The training course aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills to effectively utilize the latest features of the city's software system for receiving, processing and delivering administrative procedure results.

To ensure the effectiveness of the training, Hung advised the agency's trainees to attend the full session with a high sense of responsibility and actively engage in discussions to improve the class's effectiveness. He also emphasized the importance of the trainees applying the knowledge gained during the course to their professional work in a flexible manner.

Along with providing the information system for resolving administrative problems in Hanoi, the General Director of FPT Information System Company Limited (FPT IS), Nguyen Hoang Minh, shared that FPT IS and the Department of Information and Communications Hanoi have been working tirelessly to conduct surveys, develop software, and establish infrastructure to meet the requirements. Currently, the system is ready to connect to the National Public Service Portal and population database and is prepared for training and operation.

With just over two weeks left until the official launch of the administrative complaint settlement information system, Minh emphasized the need to organize training and testing of the system for leaders, officials, and civil servants of departments and divisions. He believes that expertise related to administrative problem-solving in the city is crucial to the project's success.

The new administrative procedure settlement information system will provide individuals and organizations with a single account for online registration of all public administrative services at all levels, replacing traditional paper records made directly at state administrative agencies with electronic records. The online environment will be used for monitoring the application processing status and receiving results.

During use, stakeholders will continue to receive evaluations and suggestions from officials and civil servants to improve the system. Recently, the Hanoi People's Committee approved 48 internal processes for handling administrative procedures in various fields, which will be implemented according to the plan of authorization to settle administrative matters under the management of the Hanoi Department of Internal Affairs. The Department of Internal Affairs will be responsible for building an electronic process to serve the reception and settlement of administrative complaints on the Information System for handling administrative procedures of Hanoi in accordance with regulations, with coordination from relevant agencies and units.

Hai Yen