Hanoi implements strict disciplinary measures against state servants for misconduct
Ngày đăng 09/03/2023 | 7:40 AM  | View count: 367

The Hanoi People's Committee has instructed city units to take decisive action in accordance with regulations against officials, public servants, and employees who engage in harassment, display negative behavior, set administrative procedures in a manner that violates regulations, or delay the implementation of administrative procedures.

The Hanoi People's Committee released a document (No. 596/UBND-KSTTHC) on March 8, which outlines the implementation of the Prime Minister's Directive No. 05/CT-TTg (dated February 23, 2023) that aims to accelerate the national digital transformation project in various ministries, branches, and localities from 2023 onwards, with a focus on the development of electronic identification and authentication systems for the population.


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The Hanoi People's Committee has instructed the leaders of various departments, branches, and local governments to consider the implementation of Project 06 as a crucial and continuous task that requires the active participation of people and businesses. The implementation should be done in a practical and efficient manner, avoiding redundancy and unnecessary expenditures. It has been emphasized that people should not be asked to present paper household registration books and temporary residence books while receiving administrative procedures in compliance with the Residence Law.

Moreover, departments and committees have been advised to review and enhance the "one-stop shop" process to provide quality and effective services to people and businesses. They have been encouraged to shift their mindset towards supporting and guiding people and businesses to improve their digital skills. The focus should be on the disadvantaged, with an emphasis on communicating the benefits of electronic records and gradually building a digital citizen and digital society.

The document also stressed the necessity to ensure online dossiers are received and processed promptly, without delays; accelerate the digitization of administrative records and results, and integrate this with the duties of civil servants during the processing of administrative procedures; refrain from requiring physical copies of documents that have already been digitized as per regulations.

The city recommends the development of effective policies and mechanisms for the recruitment, training, remuneration, and placement of transformed human resources; provides training and instruction for civil servants, public employees, and workers; reinforces discipline and administrative measures, and adopts new working styles and methods; strictly enforce regulations against civil servants and employees who commit acts of harassment, negativity, or who arbitrarily create administrative procedures or cause delays in the processing of administrative procedures.

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