Hanoi considers public investment a key task
Ngày đăng 07/03/2023 | 9:48 AM  | View count: 351

The plan emphasizes the importance of completing the 2022 public investment capital plan, extending it to 2023, and ensuring its quality and efficiency in compliance with the law.

The Hanoi People's Committee recently issued Plan No. 66/KH-UBND, aimed at addressing the issues and constraints highlighted in the Annual Work Review Conference 2022 regarding the slow implementation and disbursement of public investment capital at both the city and district levels.

The plan outlines specific measures and tasks to accelerate the implementation of the 2023 Public Investment Plan, with the goal of promoting economic growth, attracting investment, and achieving comprehensive socio-economic development.

The plan emphasizes the importance of completing the 2022 public investment capital plan, extending it to 2023, and ensuring its quality and efficiency in compliance with the law. Each agency, unit, and investor is assigned clear responsibilities for directing, monitoring, inspecting, urging and implementing the plan. The heads of departments, branches, People's Committees of districts, towns, and investors are held accountable for the implementation and disbursement of public investment capital according to their roles and duties.

To ensure compliance, the plan sets a disbursement rate target of at least 90% of the assigned plan for departments, agencies, and People's Committees of districts, towns, and investors by the end of the fiscal year 2023. Failure to meet this target for two consecutive years could result in the dismissal of cadres under the provisions of Decision No. 41-QD/ Central Committee, issued by the Central Executive Committee on November 3, 2021.

The City People's Committee recommends that investors create a detailed plan for disbursement, specifying the progress for each project and quarter, and take full responsibility for achieving the results.

This plan must be submitted to the Department of Planning and Investment by March 6, 2023. They should also improve their responsibility, initiative, decisiveness, and capability in implementing projects and disbursing public investment capital. Regular meetings should be held to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Funds should be transferred from slow-moving projects to those with better performance and greater capacity to absorb capital. Additionally, the progress should be accelerated, and payment and settlement of investment capital should be strictly controlled. Discipline should be strengthened in public investment.

It is crucial to expedite the preparation, appraisal, and approval of projects in order to complete the 2021-2025 five-year medium-term public investment plan and identify new projects that qualify for capital allocation and construction commencement. This will continue to be a significant task in 2023.

Hai Yen