Hanoi identifies key tasks for 2023
Ngày đăng 27/02/2023 | 6:37 AM  | View count: 368

The capital's economy needs to be restructured, and new growth drivers should be developed to improve internal capacity, self-reliance, self-control, resilience, and adaptability.

The Party Committee of the Hanoi People's Committee on February 20 issued Program No. 86-CTr/BCSD on its working agenda in 2023.

In order to achieve the goals set out in the 2023 work theme of "Discipline, responsibility, action, creativity, development," it is essential to effectively implement clear processes for resolution, progress, quality, efficiency, and work results.

According to the program, this requires perseverance, continuous effort, and decisive implementation of the city’s resolution, including specific solutions for socio-economic development and ensuring national defense and security.

The Chairman of the City People's Committee should lead and direct the administration and regularly review the implementation progress of the 2023 Work Program with the goal of maintaining stability and ensuring major balances in the economy while controlling inflation and promoting growth.

The capital's economy needs to be restructured, and new growth drivers should be developed to improve internal capacity, self-reliance, self-control, resilience, and adaptability. Other important tasks include implementing breakthrough stages, focusing on comprehensive and synchronous development in the fields of culture and education, effectively controlling all kinds of diseases, ensuring social security, and improving the material and spiritual life of the people.

Efforts should also be made to promote the development of digital infrastructure, science and technology activities, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. There should be strict management and effective use of land and resources while protecting the environment and actively responding to climate change.

Planning should be accelerated, and administrative reform should continue, including the rearrangement of the apparatus, tightening of discipline, and improvement of head responsibility. The application of information technology in state management should be strengthened to build a digital government and improve the ranking of various indexes. Corruption, negativity, and wastefulness should be prevented and fought against to ensure national defense. social order, and safety. The efficiency of foreign affairs should also be improved, and information and communication work should be strengthened to create social consensus.

In addition, it is essential to focus on directing the improvement of institutions, policies, and long-term orientations for the development of the capital. This includes developing the Capital Law project (amended), adjusting the overall master plan for the construction of Hanoi capital to 2030 with a vision to 2050, making the Capital Planning for the period of 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050, deploying the Action Program of the City Party Committee to implement Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU dated May 5, 2022, of the Politburo on directions and tasks to develop Hanoi Capital until 2030 with a vision to year 2045, and continuing to direct and manage the effective implementation of the National Assembly's resolutions and the Government's decrees.

Give priority to effectively carrying out routine tasks related to strengthening the Party and building the political system. Put emphasis on preventing and combating corruption and negative behaviors, promoting thrift, avoiding wastefulness, maintaining political security, ensuring social order and safety, addressing grievances and complaints, and resolving complex and outstanding cases. Enhance inspection, examination, and supervision, with a focus on scrutinizing and supervising the organization and execution of political missions of the city throughout 2023. These efforts should be closely linked to urging the implementation of conclusions and guidance issued by the City Party Committee, Standing Committee, and the Party Personnel Committee of the City People's Committee. The goal is to address limitations and shortcomings revealed during the assessment of previous work.

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