Hanoi introduces 25 new administrative procedures in water resources management
Ngày đăng 31/10/2024 | 1:49 PM  | View count: 50

Hanoi streamlines water resources management with the launch of 25 new administrative procedures, setting a new standard for efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Quoc Oai District Administrative Center. Photo: Thu Hang

The Hanoi People’s Committee has officially approved 25 streamlined internal procedures for administrative processes in water resource management, under the purview of the Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE). This decision is aimed at enhancing efficiency and consistency in handling water resource-related administrative matters across the city.

In this latest move, six procedures fall under the direct authority of the Hanoi People’s Committee. These include processes for issuing and renewing permits for groundwater exploration projects with capacities below 3,000 cubic meters per day, as well as regulations for suspending exploration permits, calculating water resource fees, and safeguarding waterway boundaries around hydroelectric reservoirs. Additionally, the new guidelines set community feedback requirements for local water resource projects under provincial review.

Seventeen other procedures, managed directly by the Hanoi DONRE, cover a wide range of water resource permissions, including licensing for surface and marine water extraction, adjusting exploration permits, and setting water resource fees for operational facilities. Further procedures address licensing for smaller-scale groundwater drilling operations and protocols for community and organizational feedback on groundwater recharge projects.

At the district level, two procedures fall under the jurisdiction of local People's Committees: registering for groundwater use and obtaining feedback from local community representatives and stakeholders on water resource initiatives.

The Hanoi People’s Committee has tasked the DONRE with leading the digital implementation of these procedures. In coordination with relevant agencies, the department will integrate these workflows into the city’s electronic information system for streamlined public access and administrative transparency.